Never stops...
In March of this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Sue Bryce, an incredibly generous instructor. She, like me, enjoys natural light best of all. Her career was based on glamorous naturally lit portraits for many years. As I follow her career, she has grown into using studio lighting, developing the ability to make it look like natural light in her gorgeous portraits. A talent to be sure.
When Sue offered a one day seminar in her California studio, I quickly registered and booked my flight.
Studio lighting broadens photographers' ability to shoot in any setting, at any time of day. Learning to master it is a goal of most professionals, and part of what sets them aside from family members who simply own beautiful cameras. Like most things worth learning, lighting requires study and practice and takes a lifetime of investment in education.
For this particular session, we worked on creating amazing portraits by using only one or two lights; and modifiers designed to create soft, flattering light. Sue took us through three different set ups for multiple looks. Each of us then got a few minutes with at least two of the models. We used Sue's gear to set up the portraits we wanted.
The lighting patterns we learned left me in love. Her techniques are working their way into my portraits. My education will continue.